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整個感覺很舒服, 很輕鬆

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animals and children can be incredible role models.Even 'roll models'. Watch them as they roll around on the grass, scratching their backs, feet gleefully kicking up in the air. Notice the freedom they enjoy and the obvious joy they feel in that freedom. This freedom is very important for adults, too. Don't get stuck in ruts of seriousness. Let your wild spirit run free once in a while.


faith will show you the way.When the future seems bleak and you do not know how to go on, have faith. It will shine a light in the darkness and everything will be illuminated.


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  • Sep 28 Sat 2013 01:23
  • 突破




而且, 主題就是突破

如今, 教會的朋友去韓國, 也訂了主題 '突破' Breakthrough

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整個感覺很舒服, 很輕鬆

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  • Aug 31 Sat 2013 15:04
  • AUG

It's much easier to think about waiting on God than it is to be patient with your circumstances. Waiting on the Lord gives you the sense that something is going on - only you just can't see it. You are waiting in eager anticipation of what God is going to do next. - Stormie Omartian
Give ear to my prayer, O God, And do not hide Yourself from my supplication. Psalms 55:1

Sat, from Grc ,translate by Angelia Pehtrus

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  • Jul 31 Wed 2013 22:16
  • July

Your life has a plot;
your years have a theme.
You can do something
in a manner that no one else can.

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  • Jul 31 Wed 2013 01:16
  • Diary

2013.07. 24Thurs I'm happy coz I can see and talk with him tonight. Seems he's in good condition. And have a nice chitchat with 羊ct 2. And blessed that God put him while I lost my mind,full of anger toward an elder. 2013.07.27 不用再doubt 了 只讓自己更受傷而已 因為, 雖然他們沒有正明的關係, 可是, 他們的連結是無人可插入的 我知道了, 活出基督的芬芳 原來, 我讀的那段, 就是要讓我準備被轟雜的日子 謙卑下來 是的, 我很糊塗, 很慌張, 很笨, 所以很多事情常常就是該被罵 就像今天, 我既然漏掉林師母的名字在家屬. 很大的錯誤吧. 以前, 我很挫折, 很低潮, 若做到這種事 現在, 是因為我麻木了嗎? 還是我真的失去了良心? 可憐的是他. 被家人懷恨 真的希望, 他受的傷害能好起來. 真希望神恩待他 憐憫我們 今天的信息就說, 雖然我們有很大的傷口, 很大的陰影, 但, 別被這些打敗 我苦毒的root, 最近很明顯的出來 一個一個現出來. 很好. 讓我更了解自己 還有阿, 一直覺得很無奈 被勸要告訴別人他們的弱點 可是, 我很無奈, 我無法做任何事 因為他們心理無法接受, 無法看見 當然希望他們好, 可是, 能打動人心的不是我能做的到了 開始有動力唸書了嗎? 不知道…. 感覺, 路開始開了. 開始會有很多搖動, 轟炸, 炸彈. 準備把 之於”未來的他”, 我會再努力禱告的

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2013.06.01 Sat
Have some patience. Trying to force life to unfold faster than it is meant to is futile. Call forth your patience, and let it move at its own pace.


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Not everything in life can be known.Stop seeking all the answers, relax, and enjoy the ride into the unknown.

good thoughts and actions always produce good results, sometimes in unusual ways. You just focus on doing what you can, and leave the results up to God.

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回來後, 就生病了

更不幸的, 那些負面情緒整個出來了


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  • May 03 Fri 2013 00:16
  • 拖累

本來該寫的, 就一直拖拖拖拖

最近, 至從牧師講道後, 我發現
原來, 神要我走音樂這條路, 就是要醫治我
讓一切的苦毒 消失

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No person has the right to condemn you on how you repair your heart or how long you choose to grieve, because no one knows how much you're hurting. Recovering takes time, and everyone heals at his or her own pace.

I've come to realize that the only people I need in my life are the ones who need me in theirs even when I have nothing else to offer them but myself.

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其實, 主題跟內容不相干吧

昨天, 禮拜二, Anton傳道讓我有機會幫他們家族在奶奶的告別式彈琴

感覺, 我新靈被釋放了

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最大的罪就是 否定上帝是神, 自己做

我的思想, 不能再讓它有消極的想法

若是真的, 又怎樣? 若是不好, 又怎樣?

必經, 我又不能用思想改變他的甚麼

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Devotion to God begins with devotion to your family and community. It is much easier to proclaim abstract and remote love, then to step into the midst of living and keep an open heart through the thick of it. Be there where you are needed the most.

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  • Mar 25 Mon 2013 13:05
  • 約會

哪, 為甚麼他一進辦公室

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  • Mar 19 Tue 2013 21:13

ferlinfie 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

沒想到, 從朋友中提醒我

甚麼是Lent season ( Quadragesima)


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2013. 02.21
真正的啟發不只在於了解祂 . 更是經歷祂......

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Love the people God gave you because He will need them back one day,

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