animals and children can be incredible role models.Even 'roll models'. Watch them as they roll around on the grass, scratching their backs, feet gleefully kicking up in the air. Notice the freedom they enjoy and the obvious joy they feel in that freedom. This freedom is very important for adults, too. Don't get stuck in ruts of seriousness. Let your wild spirit run free once in a while.
faith will show you the way.When the future seems bleak and you do not know how to go on, have faith. It will shine a light in the darkness and everything will be illuminated.
you can find a moment of rest.Life is full of busyness: work, family, friends, housework, the list goes on and on. Take a few minutes right now to let yourself just rest. Quiet your mind and let the silence relax your body.
you are being asked to be a steward of this earth.God entrusted this earth to us. Not to trash and spoil her, but to respect and treat her well. After all, this earth is the handiwork of God.
the change you seek begins with yourself.When you want the world to change, lead by example, and others are sure to follow.
there are many distractions in this world.Some are pleasant; some are not. But whether they are pleasant or not, when you get swayed by distractions, you will lose your focus. What is important to you? Focus on that and then when you need a break, you can choose to allow to be distracted.
when whispers do not get your attention, bricks will fly your way.Don't speed through life so fast that someone has to throw a brick at you to get your attention. Slow down and be present.
inevitable is best accepted with serenity.There are times when you absolutely see no solution. When you've thought and thought and prayed and prayed; when you've sat still in meditation listening for an answer and still no answer comes. There are times when it's okay to just surrender.
simple life brings happiness.When you fill your life with noise from TVs, chores from to-do lists, arguments from newspapers, where will you find space for love, relationships, faith and God? Cherish the simple things in life. Put the rest back on the shelf.
it's good to remember.Think about the times that you felt close to God, when love and joy pulsed through your veins. Dwell on these times, especially when life isn't easy and trouble seems to compete for your attention. Any situation can be improved if you remember to remember God.
your intuition is very important.The more often you listen to it, the more often you will hear it and the more accurately it will guide you.
each day is sacred.If you are spending too many days doing things that bring you unhappiness, then you are not honoring the gift of your time on earth.
Romans 12:1-2 MSG
So here’s what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary life—your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life—and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him. Don’t become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking. Instead, fix your attention on God. You’ll be changed from the inside out. Readily recognize what he wants from you, and quickly respond to it. Unlike the culture around you, always dragging you down to its level of immaturity, God brings the best out of you, develops well-formed maturity in you.
communion means joining with.How can you find greater communion with God? The answers to this question are different for each person. Find your answers to this question so that you may grow closer to God.
The more you fall in love with Jesus, the more you are going to be compelled to do what He tells you to do whether it is comfortable or not. JM Ministry
有些人不能在一起, 可他們的心在一起; 有些人表面在一起, 但心卻無法在一起; 有些人從沒想過在一起, 卻自然而然的在一起; 有些人千辛萬苦終於在一起, 卻發現其實他們並不適合在一起。
Some people can't be together, but their hearts are; some people are together, but their hearts are not; some people never thought they'd be together, yet they did; some people worked so hard to be together, yet they found out they weren't meant to be.
女朋友男朋友 (GF*BF), 2012