人非木石皆有情,不如不遇傾城色 - 很想很想你第19集
目前分類:Article (215)
- May 19 Sun 2024 20:46
- Nov 22 Wed 2023 15:22
"Kerohanian bukanlah tentang kompetisi melainkan keintiman.
Kerohanian bukanlah tentang kesempurnaan melainkan tentang keterhubungan.
Kehidupan rohani dimaulai saat kita memasuki kekacauan hidup.
Menerima kenyataan bahwa kita lemah, memiliki kehidupan yang cacat merupakan awal dari kerohanian, bukan karena kerohanian akan menghapus kelemahan kita namun karena alih-alih mencari kesempurnaan kita kini mencari Allah, Dia yang hadir di tengah-tengah kekusutan hidup kita.
Kerohanian bukanlah tentang memperbaiki (kerusakan kita) melainkan tentang Allah yang hadir di dalam kemelut ketidakberesan kita."
- Oct 05 Thu 2023 22:35
Do it Anyway
Mother Teresa's 《Do It Anyway》
People are unreasonable,illogical and self-centered;Love them anyway.
- Oct 02 Mon 2023 15:42
詩經 王風 黍離
- Aug 17 Thu 2023 16:48
迷茫時, 你照顧我 2
When you lose yourself in love
April 29, 2021 by Alison Cook
It happens all the time. At first, your new love relationship felt great. But, over time, you started to notice cracks in the foundation. Maybe your spouse changed, or started to show true colors that were there, but hiding, all along. Or, maybe you are the one who is changing. Maybe you committed to someone else before you knew yourself, and buried parts of you are starting to show up. Perhaps you entered into this relationship with unrealistic expectations. You thought you could change him with your love, only to discover you’re exhausted. Or, maybe you slowly started to set yourself aside in order to meet some clear, albeit unspoken, expectations. You notice yourself wondering about any of the following:
- “Why was I first drawn to this person?”
- “When did he start treating me this way?
- “How did I get so lost in this relationship?”
No matter how it happened, you are discovering that you have lost yourself in love. Instead of becoming more of the person God wants you to become, you’re a remnant of yourself. Instead of feeling confident, clear, and ready to serve others as a team, you notice yourself consumed by this relationship. You might be:
- feeling anxious all the time
- trying to control his behaviors
- resentful even as you try to keep the peace
- going through the motions; pretending like things are fine
- numbing out your feelings through food, substances, or entertainment.
Over the past two decades, I’ve worked with hundreds of women who feel lost in their most intimate relationships. Many of them aren’t sure why or what went wrong. Often, they are angry at their spouse and convinced he is the one who needs to change. Sometimes, he is the main source of the problem. Sometimes he isn’t. However, whether it’s his fault or not, the truth is: change can only start with you.
- Aug 17 Thu 2023 16:27
迷茫時, 你照顧我
http://Boundaries For Your Soul Book - Dr. Alison Cook (dralisoncook.com)
What if your overwhelming emotions hold the keys to your success?
Do you control your feelings or do your feelings control you?
Many people allow guilt, anger, or self-criticism to dominate their inner lives and adversely affect their relationships. Maybe you’ve tried to deny these aspects of yourself that you don’t like. You might insist, “I need to get over it,” or “I’ve got to stop thinking that way.” But this approach rarely works. In fact, it usually makes things worse. You want to exemplify wholeness, but don’t always know how to bring calm to the turmoil within.
In Boundaries for Your Soul, Christian counselors Kimberly Miller and Alison Cook describe their faith-based adaptation of the popular Internal Family Systems (IFS) model— a process of bringing peace to your inner world.
“Is there a Spirit-led self within you that emanates lvoe and can lead your inner and outer life? Is it possible to love your inner enemies in the same way that Jesus extolled you to love your outer ones? In this beautifully-written book, Cook and Miller not only show you how to do that but also make a strong case that doing so creates enormous inner transformation and peace, turning former enemies into valuable allies. I am thrilled with the way they have translated my work for a Christian audience and believe this book is an extremely important contribution to our culture’s healing.” Richard C. Schwartz, Ph.D.
- Jul 14 Fri 2023 12:36
5 simple conversation
IG: beachy.theraphist
Here are 5 simple conversation prompts to help you and your partner build a deeper connection:
1. What is something you learned from your family that you respect and want to carry on? What pattern or cycle from your family do you intend to break or do not want to perpetuate?
2.What are some things you like and disliked from your previous partner or dating relationship? How can I better meet your needs?
3. What is your deepest wound/hurt? How can I help heal that with you?
- Jun 28 Wed 2023 12:44
靈 , 燈 , 檢查, 成長
- Mar 28 Tue 2023 20:54
7 Ways a Christian Wife Cherishes Her Husband
- Nov 21 Sat 2020 17:42
《 “光” 的感悟》
年輕 為國 爭光 老來 共度 時光 心態 務必 陽光 日子 一定 閃光。
想想 來時 光光 去時 一片 火光 何不 旅遊 觀光 換得 滿面 紅光。
眼下 不再 榮光 就讓 往事 忘光 告別 昔日 風光 珍惜 當下 晨光。
笑迎 明日 曙光 寸金 難買 時光 享受 餘下 亮光 歡度 老年 銀光。
人生 猶如 星光 蠟燭 總要 燒光 追求 快樂 之光 綻放 晚年 余光 。
- Mar 19 Thu 2020 00:06
Sebuah refleksi,menemani sepinya social distancing:
Vatikan sepi.
Yerusalem sunyi.
Tembok Ratapan dipagari.
- Mar 13 Fri 2020 18:56
儆醒 怎麼會有兩個讀法 ~~~~
- Oct 13 Thu 2016 18:06
What Marriage Is Really Like
To be married, partnered, or in any long-term relationship, you must forget every romantic movie you have ever seen and accept the fact that you are binding yourself to someone who will know all of your flaws and who will sometimes point them out to you.
My husband is not one to show his love with flowers, or chocolates, or fancy jewelry. But every Sunday night he cooks the most amazing meal, whether it’s big pots of chili verde, smoked ribs, French onion soup, roasted vegetables, or homemade apple crisp. He usually starts with marinating things in the morning, and the process lasts all day long. By dinnertime, with every bite, I know how much he loves me.
Here are few other things that I have realized about marriage over the years:
Marriage is sitting reluctantly through a documentary about gold-mining, but not impaling yourself with the remote control.
- Oct 31 Fri 2014 17:34
40 Photo-Illustrated Questions to Refocus Your Mind
40 Photo-Illustrated Questions to Refocus Your Mind
- Aug 12 Tue 2014 23:15
36 Questions to Bring You Closer Together
36 Questions to Bring You Closer Together
Get to know someone and create a sense of intimacy, in as little as an hour.
Published on October 15, 2013 by Temma Ehrenfeld in Open Gently
- Aug 05 Tue 2014 17:55
5 Words to My Future Wife
Posted On 25 Apr 2014
Always Put Your Relationship With God Before Your Relationship With Me
If I ever put you in a situation that compromises your faith…or makes you have to decide whether to make me happy or to make God happy…please side with God on that one. He is going to be right 100% of the time.
Be Confident In Yourself
- Aug 03 Sun 2014 11:02
Advice for People in Their Twenties by Johnny Webber
你生命中一定會遇到那麼一個人,打破你的原則,改變你的習慣,成為你的例外。 You’re destined to meet someone, who breaks your principles, changes your habits, and becomes your exception. 超急情聖 (Don Jon), 2013
1. Find three hobbies you love: one to make you money, one to keep you in shape, and one to be creative.
2. Getting a degree matters, but getting the right degree matters even more.
3. Leave every job you have on good terms. Do not burn your bridges.
- Jun 12 Thu 2014 23:29
Quoted fromcuteboge100 - 【台南。旅遊】純白浪漫的新私房景點。隱田山房白色教堂
- May 24 Sat 2014 08:34
- Jun 11 Wed 2014 16:45