Kangnam Rich
Still Thursday... Throwback Thursday...

LeeSsang was never the kind to flaunt their success. In as much as we, the fans, try hard to highlight their achievements, Gary and Gil have always been adamant about talking about their failure, difficulties and pains. It may be because they are simply naturally humble or probably because they feel that their failures define them more than their success or probably because they want to inspire others who make mistakes and fail often and make them realize that things can get better if they work hard.

Whatever the reason may be, their willingness to talk about their failures and mistakes is not new to hiphop. What makes them unique is their straightforward and very frank approach when they talk about their failures. They don't sugarcoat their failures with metaphors or poetry.

Kangnam Richer/Gangnam Rich is one song that displays just how they prefer to frank they are when it comes to talking about their biggest failures.

KG talked about being cheated off all the money he made in his career by a friend. He did say his bank account went to zero. However, he didn't say who it was. He only said the guy "was a friend".

This song, however, fills some holes. One of the things he said is that this guy who cheated them cheated a whole lot of other people too. He also said that half the people he knew and trusted were liars.

After some investigations were done, the con man was identified as Corbin/Curbin. He was the third member of CB Mass (former group of Gaeko and Choiza). It was said that he conned a whole bunch of people from The Movement including Epik High and LeeSsang. Epik High wrote a diss song about Corbin. However, KG NEVER CONFIRMED HE WAS TALKING ABOUT CURBIN.

CB Mass broke up in 2003 and Gaeko and Choiza wrote a track talking about Corbin "worshipping money".

The song has a line that states "after 15 years of working hard in this difficult industry". He started his career in 1997. This would make this cheating incident happen around 2012/2013. The timeline doesn't seem right.

THIS SONG CAME OUT IN 2011. It is possible that KG decided to talk about it only in 2011 but it is also possible he was talking about someone else. It is also possible, we will never know.

One thing is for sure though, the melancholic whimsical music provides a perfect contrast to KG's steady tone and rhythm. It is as if the song is taking us through the exact experience KG and Gil when through in the hands of this con man. It was unreal, whimsical, impossible... like you know it's too fantastic to be real but the steady and, somehow, credible delivery of lines make the lies seem believable.

Even in their anger, their musical genius doesn't fail.


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