
沒想到, 從朋友中提醒我

甚麼是Lent season ( Quadragesima)


這些日子以來, 很多很多事情發生了

絲與他吵架, 甚至放下對方, 不過, 怎麼是男生要求女的放下彼此呢?


害我跟著失戀, 怎麼會呢? 因為我不忍心看到絲心痛, 心碎

不過, 也察覺的到, 我心裡很壞, 很多事情, 怎麼都會想到呢?

2013.03.07, 剛進入這天, 我收到了很棒的信息

You r special

In all d world, there's nobody like u. Since d beginning of time, there has never been another person like u. 
Nobody has ur smile

Nobody has ur eyes, ur nose, ur hair, ur hands or ur voice 

Nobody can b found who has ur handwriting. Nobody anywhere has ur taste 4 food, clothing, music, or art. Noone sees things just as u do.

In all of time, there's never been anyone who laughs like u, anyone who cries like u & what makes u cry or laugh, will nvr produce identical laughter or tears fr anybody else, ever.

Oh, there'll aws be somebody who is better at 1 of d things u're good at, but noone in d entire universe can reach d quality of ur combination of talents, ideas, abilities n feelings.

Thru all of eternity, noone'll ever look, talk, walk, or think, or do like u.Noone else in d entire world has ur set of fingerprints!

U r rare, n in all rarity, there's great value!

And u need 2 realize that it is no accident that u r special, bcoz it is God who made u special 4 a purpose! He must've a job 4 u that noone else  can do as well as u.

Out of d billions of applicants, only 1 is qualified, only 1 has d right combination of what it takes, n that someone is u! God wants u 2 know that u are very special 2 Him. U r precious in His sight. U were truly & marvelously made.

He sent His only begotten Son 2 die 4 u!

He loves u w/ an everlasting love, & its only thru d understanding & acceptance of His love 4 us that we find freedom.

So u see, my dears, it is in fact true! No one is more important 2 God than u!
(Have a silent night)

今天, 禮拜五, Khetin提醒我禁食的事情
我才想, 完了, 她都查覺到要盡忠...我呢?

今天的文章教導我, 要誠實, honestly 對自己的感情, 對自己所受到得一切

恩, 其實, 當他離開去機場, 我開始有感覺.... I miss him
我知道, 我不可以讓這個感情存在...所以, 我只告訴祢.....不希望, 人們知道......



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