Your life has a plot;
your years have a theme.
You can do something
in a manner that no one else can.
-Max Lucado
What You have done is wonderful... All the days planned for me were
written in Your book before I was one day old. Psalm 139:14, 16 NCV
the voice of God is best heard in silence. All too often loud events and daily busyness cloud your vision of God. Take some time to slow down; let there be silence, let there be peace. Calm your mind and let your inner voice re-emerge from the silence. Allow yourself to see visions, allow yourself to dream dreams; and you may hear the voice of God reaching out to you.
2013.07.19 Fri
Every challenge comes with the solution hidden inside.
When God puts obstacles on your way, your are meant to grow by overcoming them. Look for the seed of the solution at the very heart of the challenge.
It's your heart that knows who loves you, not your ears or eyes. Listen to the words, and you can be fooled. Look at the actions, and you can be fooled. Feel deeply into your heart, and then you will know the truth. Who makes your heart soar now? Well, what are you waiting for?
Learn to ask yourself if doing or not doing something is right for you, instead of how you feel about it. Joyce M.
很多時候, 努力並不是為了得到獎勵, 而是為了被肯定
The hardest part of loving someone is when they no longer care and you keep loving them anyway♥
你的心中是否也有一片值得終生尋覓的美麗風景? Jimmyspa
2013.07.23 Tue
Tolerance is your gift to the world. It is easy to respond to hurts and frustrations with anger. The real measure of communion with God is tolerance.
Walk alone, you may go faster; walk together, you can go a lot further.
-魔戒首部曲:魔戒現身 (The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring), 2001
Love won't run out. In moments when you feel like you have given and given until there is no more of yourself to give, remember that love won't run out. God has an infinite amount of love for you and for you to pass on to others. Even at times when the well seems dry, God can send a flood. Let the flood of love wash over you and then drench everyone around you.