- Sep 07 Tue 2010 14:26
- Aug 14 Sat 2010 10:37
- Aug 10 Tue 2010 17:14
Until you learn how to say 'no',
you will never be able to fully say 'yes'.
你永遠不會完整的說 "是"
- Aug 09 Mon 2010 14:19
昨天, 就這樣跟著去MYF, 據說去打羽毛球 ~還不是一樣破功。。。吃什麼甜甜圈, 什麼印度餐~~~~~
不過, 玩的超開心的 ~ 什麼模放電視節目 ~ 我看阿, 不知道有幾個人臉紅了...害羞 >在吃吃喝喝談談笑笑, 忽然耳朵增大, 聽到了一個小女孩的故事
她成長在一個基督徒家庭.從小, 父母就帶她去教會了.有一次, 聽說, 她好奇的想要上閣樓去看看,就是放鐘的那個閣樓. 沒想到, 就被大哥哥大姊姊說樓上很可怕喔, 有鬼之類的吧 ~ 小女孩就怕了, 也不上去了. 恩, 小小的事, 沒想到, 就藏在她的潛意思裡面, 影響她到長大 ! (這也太可怕了吧~~~~~)那時, 小女孩才2-3歲吧.
後來, 因為爸爸的工作, 她們搬家了. 在新家, 小女孩上了幼稚園, 不過, 因為那事情, 在新的環境, 她也比較安靜(我覺得是害怕吧). 大概4-5歲那時候, 有一次回家,小女孩忽然大哭起來, 說什麼"我要回家" 父母, 一位校還在無理鬧取, 所以也沒做任何事情. (我想, 也做不了吧!) 這件事情, 又隱藏蔡她的潛意思裡面了. 她的需求, 她的想念, 她的安全感! 她找不到這些, 所以感到很不舒服. 這成為了她的陰影, 沒有安全感. (天那! 呢麼小的小孩). 聽說, 其實這小女孩知道她不能回去以前的家了.(我來分析, 或許這小女孩知道她不能回去, 可是, 她試著說出她的心裡話, 但, 的到的回應卻讓她退縮, 後過就是呢, 她不在說出心裡所想的,封閉了自己的心到長大!). 那年, 她有了新妹妹. 過不久, 爸爸又被掉走了, 整家也跟著搬家. 精彩的就是這段......
- Aug 04 Wed 2010 18:19
Sun 2010.8.1
you learn what you do. If you worry a lot, then day after day you are learning how to worry even better. If you think about doing something a lot, then you are learning how to think about doing. Every moment you are happy, you are learning how to be even happie⋯⋯r. Every time you act, you are learning how to take an action even better. What is it that you've been learning today? What is it that you want to learn tomorrow?
2010.08.02 Mon
all those little things that annoy you, are God's way of watching out for you. You never know when an untied shoelace saves you from an onrushing car. On September 11th, one man was saved because he had to get donuts for his team; another because he developed a blister on his foot from wearing new shoes.
- Jul 30 Fri 2010 19:52
If you ever need a helping hand, you'll find one at the end of your arm.
And a time always comes when you discover that you have two hands:
one for helping yourself, the other for helping others.
- Jul 29 Thu 2010 17:09
you do not see things as they are.
You see them as you are.
When you look, you see reflections of your being.
When you listen, you hear echoes of yourself.
If you don't like something about what you see and hear, no point in smashing the mirror, change who you are becoming.
- Jul 28 Wed 2010 13:21
It is more than okay to live your joy.
Whatever makes your heart sing is what God wants for you!
- Jul 26 Mon 2010 18:53
You are only as free as you imagine yourself to be.
你的自由 ~ 是能想像出來的
There is nothing ''out there'' that's holding you down, you are limiting yourself only with your own imagination.
沒有任何'外事'攔住你, 是你自己的想像攬住了自己.
- Jul 25 Sun 2010 14:59
your deepest connection to God is through your beloved.
You are most open to God when your heart is wide open, and your mind is settled and worry-free.
- Jul 20 Tue 2010 12:50
Your soul is always in communion with God.
When you feel lost, or afraid, or sad,