Until you learn how to say 'no',

you will never be able to fully say 'yes'.
你永遠不會完整的說 "是"

Unless you know how to set boundaries to form your safe space,

 you will always be concerned that saying 'yes' might put you in danger.
你會一直擔心, 說 "是" 會讓你面臨危機

So you will always pull back a little from saying 'yes' with your whole heart.
所以你常常退後一步,用全心說 "是"

Paradoxically, knowing how to say 'no' to form boundaries gives much more power to your 'yes'.
奇怪的,知道如何說 "不" 來簡裡界限會給你更多力量來說 "是"


最近愛玩遊戲~~~ 所以沒心得~~~~~


2010.08.10 Tue

You've been skipping out on God's most important gift to man - love.
你已經錯過了上帝最重要的禮物 - 愛.

Love is the blood of the soul.

God wants all beings to have healthy and strong souls,

so God created a simple law to nourish the soul: the more you give love, the more you receive love.
所以神定了簡單的律法來餵養靈魂: 你給予越多的愛,你會得到更多的愛。

Remember all the beings you love - people, animals - that you haven't thought of lately.
還記得你所愛的嗎? 你最近未想的 人, 動物

Do not wait anymore, reconnect with them today and express your love.
不要再等了, 跟他們聯繫吧和表達你的愛

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