Love is the opposite of logic.
Logic is argumentative, aggressive upon the mind,
splits the world into right and wrong, us and them.
- Oct 22 Fri 2010 00:26
- Oct 19 Tue 2010 23:07
Devotion to God begins with devotion to your family and community.
It is much easier to proclaim abstract and remote love,
then to step into the midst of living and keep an open heart through the thick of it.
- Oct 18 Mon 2010 10:36
2010.10.18 (一)
happiness is contagious.
When you are happy, sing your heart out!
Let your joy and well-being radiate and transform all around you.
- Oct 16 Sat 2010 00:11
Sound of nature
The sounds of Nature can lift your spirits.
Take time to revel in the joyful songs of the birds,
the splash of a bubbling brook,
the whisper of the wind through the trees,
and the roar of the ocean's waves.
- Oct 14 Thu 2010 17:03
溫馨時刻 出口(約書亞)
- Oct 12 Tue 2010 00:08
Be generous
Generosity will make you rich.
The best thing to do if you're feeling poor is to give something away.
Give a few dollars to a homeless person, some clothes to a thrift store or pay for the person behind you at the drive through.
- Oct 10 Sun 2010 21:08
- Oct 10 Sun 2010 20:33
You & I ~ from Shine
- Oct 06 Wed 2010 19:23
明天, 可以讓自己開心一下
因為可以看到新娘, 可以穿美美的衣服
- Sep 28 Tue 2010 18:43
Do nothing
when you are at a loss of what to do,
do nothing.
- Sep 24 Fri 2010 21:35
Reflection of today
Today you should take a vacation from worries.
Take this moment to conjure up a fond memory.
A time in your life when you were content and happy.
Dwell on that moment for a while, let those feelings of contentment permeate your soul.
Today is a good day to be content, so take a vacation from your worries.
- Sep 20 Mon 2010 15:06
Marriage Takes Three
Marriage takes three to be complete;
It's not enough for two to meet.
They must be united in love