You are only as free as you imagine yourself to be.
你的自由 ~ 是能想像出來的

There is nothing ''out there'' that's holding you down, you are limiting yourself only with your own imagination.
沒有任何'外事'攔住你, 是你自己的想像攬住了自己.

 And your greatest limits are not even the ''cannot'' and the ''should not'',  but the places where your imagination hasn't yet gone at all.
你最大的界限不是"不能' 和 '不行', 但你還沒失去想像的地方.

There has never been a better time for you to open your eyes, let the imagination soar and see what more is possible.
沒有更好的時間來大開眼界, 讓想像力飛翔, 看有什麼可能性在進行.


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