25 Ways to make sure you enjoy life!

1. Take a 10-30 minute walk every day. And while you walk, smile. It is the ultimate anti-depressant.

2. Sit in silence for at least 10 minutes each day. Talk to God about what is going on in your life. Buy a lock if you have to.

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Throwback Thursday (U.S. is a day late from Asia LOL).

One of the things we admire about KG (and envy a little) is the kind of friends he has in his life. He doesn't really talk a lot about his friends and we see very little public interaction. A lot of his friends already guested in Running Man but he doesn't "display" his closeness with them. A lot of his friends has Twitter accounts and though many of his friends posted photos of them with him, he doesn't do the same.

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ferlinfie 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

"Perfect Peace"

Stay close by My side
Keep your eyes on Me

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Throwback Thursday


Turn Off the TV is breakthrough in Korean mainstream music and Korean Hiphop music in many levels.

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The song just pop out like this, and just what I really want to express out, so that I could go further and say to self, “Does it matter?”

A really good song that reflect my heart

Just as it!


너만 보면 떨리는 맘 혹시 들킬 까봐

ferlinfie 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣() cited 2013.10.13 Sun cited 2013.10.13 Sun

Kim Jong Kook – Story That Is Not The End

김종국 - 끝이아닌이야기

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our very late Throwback Thursday.

Title: Poison Gas
Music and Lyrics: Kang Gary(KG)
Album: Asura Balbalta

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整個感覺很舒服, 很輕鬆

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animals and children can be incredible role models.Even 'roll models'. Watch them as they roll around on the grass, scratching their backs, feet gleefully kicking up in the air. Notice the freedom they enjoy and the obvious joy they feel in that freedom. This freedom is very important for adults, too. Don't get stuck in ruts of seriousness. Let your wild spirit run free once in a while.


faith will show you the way.When the future seems bleak and you do not know how to go on, have faith. It will shine a light in the darkness and everything will be illuminated.


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Kangnam Rich
Still Thursday... Throwback Thursday...

LeeSsang was never the kind to flaunt their success. In as much as we, the fans, try hard to highlight their achievements, Gary and Gil have always been adamant about talking about their failure, difficulties and pains. It may be because they are simply naturally humble or probably because they feel that their failures define them more than their success or probably because they want to inspire others who make mistakes and fail often and make them realize that things can get better if they work hard.

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  • Sep 28 Sat 2013 01:23
  • 突破




而且, 主題就是突破

如今, 教會的朋友去韓國, 也訂了主題 '突破' Breakthrough

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Throwback Thursday.

This week, let's take a look at one of the songs that displays KG's lyrical genius - Girl Who Can't Break Up, Boy Who Can't Leave

Girl Who Can't Break Up, Boy Who Can't Leave is a lyrical brilliance. It's one of those songs where KG proves he doesn't just play with words, he comes up with insights, observations about human emotions and behavior that have alwyas been in front of us but never quite noticed.

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