2012.05.01 Tue 坦誠, ,誠實, 真實呈現自己 回到聖經 Example 學生抽菸 成為一位基督徒: 一生的果效是從心發出來的 真正的改變是心的改變, 改變了價值觀 Jaeson MA : 守真是一場為愛的戰爭 守真是尊重愛情的表現 如果一個男人為了保護一個女人而願犧牲自己的慾望, 那是多麼浪漫的事 There is a meaning to all
this. No one can see beyond the
horizon of their own lives. We are threads in the great tapestry of time. Have
faith. Every stitch has a reason.
True friends don't try to control you—they help you be what God wants you to be. Put your faith in God, and ask Him to give you friends who are truly right for you.
Joyce Ministries
Faith is the only thing that conquers fear. Joyce Ministries
Sharing only increases your share. When you give to the less fortunate, you empower them to add value to the world - a world that you share with them. When their lives get better, yours will also naturally be uplifted.
Our past experiences may have made us the way we are, but we don't have to stay that way.
The story behind this picture is this:
Every day - at the same time - she waits for him...
He comes... and they go for a walk
Wouldn't it be great if we all had friends like this...no words needed...they just intuitively recognize the value of each other in their lives and act accordingly.
Source from : Rick Nelson
Want to confuse the enemy when you have the biggest problem you’ve ever had in your life? Instead of worrying—worship, sing, praise and give thanks to God. Then watch and see what happens in your life. Joyce Ministries
Give Him your mess and let it become your message.
Joyce Ministries
詠妤 (FB)
2012.05.10 (四)
Joyce Meyer Ministries:
When you fail—and you will—it doesn't mean you're a failure. It means you may not have everything right. Let Christ be strong in your weakness!
God sees and understands what we don't. He wants us to trust Him and His perfect timing.
Love is an effort. We will never love anybody if we are not willing to pay the price.
We are called by God to help people, not to judge them. Mercy is greater than judgement! (James 2:13)
Even when everyone else only sees our faults, God still sees our possibilities.
When we are tired, the Lord can strengthen and refresh us. He will refresh our body and soul! (Isaiah 40:29)
2012.05.12 (六)
Joyce Ministries
People are simply not perfect, and we do make mistakes. It is the willingness to forgive and go on that makes relationships strong.
God's timing is perfect; He is never late. Even when things seem out of control God is still working and has a plan for your life.
Joy will flow in our lives when we get our eyes off of ourselves and onto Jesus—off of what is wrong with us and onto what is right with Him
Jaeson Ma
"Three things will last forever-faith, hope, and love-and the greatest of these is love." 1 Corinthians 13:13 (NLT).
When we meet God on that day He won't ask us how much we have accomplished. He will ask us "Did you learn to love?" If we don't have love everything we do in His name is in vain. Love others well this day. Amen
Joyce Ministries
Working for God is not the same as spending time with God.
Whatever you're lacking, God makes up the difference.
連續兩天看GoodTv 播 Jaeson Ma & VanNess 的摘要
吳建毫 :
2012.05.25 Fri
Beloved, I have spoken to you about discovering hidden riches in secret places, but don't think of these things as necessarily being external. I am revealing the treasures in you that have yet to be expressed fully. I am bringing you to a level of spiritual maturity that you would not have believed, where your outward expression will reflect your inner depth and beauty, says the Lord. Let your light shine!
1 Peter 2:9 But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light.
Marsha Burns
2012.05.31 Thurs
God does not just want to give you strength - He wants to be your strength!
- May 31 Thu 2012 20:40
you are beautiful. Mirrors are fickle, a play of light and shadow. The only true mirror is within yourself. Clear your mind of doubt and prejudice, and you will see yourself as God sees you - beautiful.