05.01 Sun
when you notice the beauty and the goodness in the world, then the evils and catastrophes, the greed and the wars will not be as overwhelming. Hold fast to your faith. Believe in goodness. Believe in God.
05.03 Tue
animals and children can be incredible role models. Even 'roll models'. Watch them as they roll around on the grass, scratching their backs, feet gleefully kicking up in the air. Notice the freedom they enjoy and the obvious joy they feel in that freedom. This freedom is very important for adults, too. Don't get stuck in ruts of seriousness. Let your wild spirit run free once in a while.
05.05 Thurs
when you look into the heavens, it is good to remember God. But God also resides in all the creations of this Earth. Wherever you look, you are seeing a part of God. Tread gently. Speak with reverence. God is everywhere.
05.06 Fri
there is a time for birth. What is within you crying out to be birthed into the world right now? What talent do you have that is ready to be used? What project have you been endlessly thinking about that is ready to be birthed into physical reality? And what dreams do you have for this precious planet? God can help midwife your dreams.
05.09 Mon
there will be times when you feel frightened or lonely or confused; this is part of the human condition. When this happens, reach out to a friend. And remember that God is one of them.
05.10 Tue
even when you do something wrong, even when you fail, even when you make poor choices, you are loved. God is not a punitive. No doubt you will punish yourself enough for your mistakes. The question is: Will you try to do the right thing next time? Will you learn from your mistakes? Will you keep on loving and caring to the best of your ability?
05.12 Thurs
sometimes 'going within' is more important than 'going out'. What is happening within you, in the recesses of your heart, in the voice of your most precious inner self? Still yourself and look within to find the answers.
05.13 Fri
you can be like a tree which is both rooted and reaching. In what ways can you root yourself in a reality or an environment which serves your need for stability? And in which ways can you reach toward the heavens for inspiration and connection to Divine?
05.15 Sun
it's time to remove everything unessential in your life. Pairing down to essentials frees up energy and brings simplicity that are necessary for happiness.
05.16 Mon
acceptance brings peace. Accept your own beauty and your limitations. No sense in trying to be who you are not.
there is a right time for each of the things you do. If you try to live counter to your personal rhythms, you will expend more time and energy to get things done. Body and soul suffer when you force yourself to wrestle against your own rhythms. Listen to your rhythms and follow them.
05.20 Fri
the only opinion of you that is important, is God's. Focus on living your life, and let the opinions of others be what they are.
05.21 Sat
you can give yourself more credit. Are you juggling too much? Sometimes you don't give yourself enough credit for what you do get done in a day. Today, celebrate your accomplishments.
05.24 Tue
there are many distractions in this world. Some are pleasant; some are not. But whether they are pleasant or not, when you get swayed by distractions, you will lose your focus. What is important to you? Focus on that and then when you need a break, you can choose to allow to be distracted.
05.26 Thurs
when events happen which seem catastrophic, it is not only possible, but very important for you to allow yourself to come to a place of calmness. Panicking serves no one - not yourself, not the people who are suffering, and not the planet. Allow yourself to trust that there is a larger purpose and that it may not be necessary for you to know that purpose at this time. Allow yourself to have faith that ultimately, all will be well.
05.28 Sat
if you're feeling stressed, take care of your body. Breathe, stretch, move, get a massage. Your body will thank you and your spirit will feel renewed. God wants us to take care of body, mind, and spirit.
05.30 Mon
forgiveness is a virtue. Remember to forgive others, remember to forgive yourself. Learn and forgive.
- May 31 Tue 2011 05:31