
06.01 Wed
even God rested. Some people relax with TV, some people relax with a book, and some people relax with friends. But when was the last time you rested by truly doing nothing? Sometimes it's necessary to simply be still and breathe.

Find joy in your uniqueness

06.02 Thurs
when you are ready for grace, grace will arrive. If you expect trouble, trouble will hurry to your door. Look for grace.

06.04 Sat
within each heart is a spark of the Divine. These sparks of Divinity and love can reach into the darkness and transform it. However, there may be times when you need to shine your heart extra brightly because others may be struggling to keep their spark alive. Let your light bring hope to a situation that feels dark and hopeless.



06.06 Mon

you are only as free as you imagine yourself to be. There is nothing ''out there'' that's holding you down, - you are limiting yourself only with your own imagination. And your greatest limits are not even the ''cannot'' and the ''should not'', but the places where your imagination hasn't yet gone at all. There has never been a better time for you to open your eyes, let the imagination soar and see what more is possible.

06.07 Tue
it is more than okay to live your joy. Whatever makes your heart sing is what God wants for you! Of course it's okay to be happy! Of course it's okay to fulfill your heart's deepest desires! What your soul most dearly and deeply desires is the very thing God wants for you.

06.08 Wed
God doesn't want your obedience, God wants your love. Servants give obedience, children give love. You are a child of God.

06.10 Fri
if you ever need a helping hand, you'll find one at the end of your arm. And a time always comes when you discover that you have two hands: one for helping yourself, the other for helping others.

06.11 Sat
circumstances don't make you, they reveal you. How you respond to the life God offers you is what makes you.

06.12 Sun

06.13 Mon

all those little things that annoy you, are God's way of watching out for you. You never know when an untied shoelace saves you from an onrushing car. On September 11th, one man was saved because he had to get donuts for his team; another because he developed a blister on his foot from wearing new shoes.

06.15 Wed

06.16 Thurs
if you would rather live than die, all is in your hands. Life is not lost by dying; life is lost minute by minute, day by dragging day, in all the thousand small uncaring ways.

06.17 Fri
when whispers do not get your attention, bricks will fly your way. Don't speed through life so fast that someone has to throw a brick at you to get your attention. Slow down and be present.

06.18 Sat

your pains are God's way to rouse you from slumber. Pain is your wake-up call to awaken, to look deeper into yourself, to adjust the course of your life. God tries to be as gentle as possible, and only if you ignore the call does the pain get stronger.

06.19 Sun
until you learn how to say 'no', you will never be able to fully say 'yes'. Unless you know how to set boundaries to form your safe space, you will always be concerned that saying 'yes' might put you in danger. So you will always pull back a little from saying 'yes' with your whole heart. Paradoxically, knowing how to say 'no' to form boundaries gives much more power to your 'yes'.


06.20 Mon

you've been skipping out on God's most important gift to man - love. Love is the blood of the soul. God wants all beings to have healthy and strong souls, so God created a simple law to nourish the soul: the more you give love, the more you receive love. Remember all the beings you love - people, animals - that you haven't thought of lately. Do not wait anymore, reconnect with them today and express your love.

06.26 Sun
greatness is your birthright. Who are You to shine brighter than others? Who are You to take a step forward when others are shrinking back? Who are You to make others feel insecure with your greatness? You are a child of God. Take a step forward, shine bright, - inspire others with your light to their own greatness.

06.27 Mon

06.29 Wed

creativity is good for the soul. Creativity is when your spirit gets a chance to play and express itself. So whether art, dance, cooking, making music, writing, or creating a garden, let yourself go! Create!

06.30 Thurs

it's important to be gentle with yourself. Treat yourself as you would treat your dearest friend. Be kind to yourself. Be supportive.
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