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Our peace and contentment always depend upon our resignation into God’s hands, no matter what our circumstance. The Psalmist writes, “Delight thyself also in the Lord; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart” (Psalm 37:4).

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How can I long to be married without obsessing about it?

I suppose the dynamics of that question and its answer relate not just to marriage, but to almost any strong desire that you have, especially a desire relating to people.

So my mind broadens out from the marriage issue to ask, "Why do we obsess about anything? Why do we have overweening preoccupations with anything?"

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Psalm 130:5-6 (NIV)
I wait for the LORD, my soul waits, and in his word I put my hope. My soul waits for the Lord more than watchmen wait for the morning, more than watchmen wait for the morning.

Waiting for God is not laziness. Waiting for God is not going to sleep. Waiting for God is not the abandonment of effort. Waiting for God means, first, activity under command; second, readiness for any new command that may come; third, the ability to do nothing until the command is given.
- G. Campbell Morgan

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Acts 1:6-11

Ascension Sunday

Joseph is in love with Maria. I know this sounds strangely close to a Bible story, but it isn't one. These two young people live in a story told by Mary Gordon in her book Temporary Shelter. Joseph has loved Maria ever since the two of them were children, since the day his mother went to work for Maria's father. Joseph, a Catholic boy, is drawn to Maria's Jewish roots, even though Maria and her father had left their tradition long ago. And Maria is drawn ever more deeply into the world of the Roman Catholic convent near her home. Oh, she loves the pure singing of the nuns, the voices of angels. Joseph could see that he was losing her. He saw it clearly one day when they sneaked into the balcony of the convent chapel:

That day in the convent she was far away from him. She looked down at him as though from the lit mountain on whose top she stood and kept him from the women's voices rising by themselves into the air� rising without effort above everything that made up life. You never saw the faces of the women who made those sounds�only the light that came through stained glass windows�Joseph saw Maria rise up on the breaths of the faceless nuns, rise up and leave him, leave the body that ran and lay on the grass. The body she loved that always did what she told it, that could dance and climb, or run behind him and put cool hands over his eyes and say, "Guess who?" as if it could be anybody else. But in the chapel she rose up and wanted to leave the body life that she had loved, leave him and all their life together.

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http://processandfaith.org/resources/lectionary-commentary/ye插入超連結 ctrl + shift + larb/2012-04-29/fourth-sunday-easter

April 29, 2012

Reading 1: Acts 4:5-12

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Reading 1: Acts 3:1-19
Reading 2: Psalm 4
Reading 3: I John 3:1-7

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  • Apr 09 Mon 2012 18:14
  • Murmur

Bahagialah dengan apa yang kamu miliki. Jangan melepasnya hanya karena rasa takut. Kamu mungkin tak akan mendapatkannya kembali.

Cinta memberimu alasan tuk tersenyum, momen indah tuk ditertawakan, tapi cinta jg memberimu kenangan yg tak pernah bisa dilupakan. 

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Petofi Sandor 1823年—1849年 
原文Szerelmemért föláldozom / Az életet, / Szabadságért föláldozom / Szerelmemet). --Petőfi Sándor. 
由漢語譯英語:"Life is dear, love is dearer. Both can be given up for freedom."; 
英語:"Liberty, love! These two I need. For my love I will sacrifice life, for liberty I will sacrifice my love”.  

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別忘了感謝每一個對你好的人喔!! ^^

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얼굴 하나야
손바닥 둘로

보고 싶은 마음

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It's not about what I do, but it is about why I do what I do. If I do it for me, then I gain nothing. If I do it for Him, then I gain everything. Love is not about me, love is about preferring others. 

Even if I dole out all that I have [to the poor in providing] food, and if I surrender my body to be burned or in order that I may glory, but have not love (God’s love in me), I gain nothing. 1 Corinthians 13: 3


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Me: God, can I ask You a question?

God: Sure

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