IT's alL ab0ut yesTerdAy
Deep from the heart
       Some signs appeared
       Some words appeared
But I've forgotten some
Some that leave for me

I've put the last thing I know in this room
I close the door. A wooden door.
Inside, it's all bout Hong.
That's the last thing presence to God yseterday
And all stored in that room.
       Leave and never intend to open it anymore.

With no direction
With no guidance
I walk through the path

I know
I can do
I can do something
I can do something with my both hand

I still have sight to see
I still have strength to go on
I still have soul to be burned up
I still have love that everlasting for me
I still have never ending seconds

Believe . . . 相信
Open . . . 開朗
Is what I must pursue

Love . . . 愛
Thanksgiving . . . 感恩
Is what I must . . .

Really, that feeling from heart
No words can replace

But still
Wating for it's flowing from the bottom

Ps: can learn from SMR88

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