2011.01.16 (日)
You matter.
People need you.
People you love and even people you have never met are depending on you.
You matter to God as well. No one else can be the person you were created to be.
Do not think for a minute that you are not important; - the world needs you.
God needs you.
2011.01.17 (一)
If you feel yourself floundering in the sea of life, try leaning back and floating.
Let yourself be supported.
Gaze into the beautiful sky and allow time for your spirit to be refreshed.
Then when you are feeling stronger, simply choose a direction and start swimming.
2011.01.18 (二)
Most important decisions are not to be made with the mind; they are to be made with the heart.
So when you have an important decision to make, check in with how you feel, not how you think.
2011.01.19 (三)
It's ok to ask for help.
You are not here to do it all alone.
That would be crazy!
Do you know how to grow rice, spin yard or make electricity?
No one does it all alone.
That's why people have each other.
Relying on and supporting each other is what makes the world go round.
Don't be shy about asking for help.
2011.01.20 (四)
It's a sin to miss an opportunity to bless and to praise another being.
When you see another doing something wonderful, or simply being breathtaking, come out of your shell and let them know how inspiring they are. Yes, even if it's a total stranger.
Do not miss these opportunities to let God's grace flow through you.
2011.01.22 (六)
Fear results from doubt.
When you are not sure, when you hope for the best, then you will fear the worst.
When you are absolutely certain, even if it is a certainty of suffering, fear disappears, and strength flows in its place.
- Jan 23 Sun 2011 22:33
Jan 3rd week