
2011.01.09 (日)
to love God you must have an attitude of love.
An attitude of receptivity and warmth and readiness to receive God's grace.
An attitude of giving and generosity and not-holding-back to let God's grace flow through you and on into the world.
You know you love God when you feel love flowing through you.

2011.01.10 (一)
You can get through a bad day.
When you're having a bad day, you have a choice.
You can complain and gripe and dwell on the misery, or you can let go of it and look for the good, and maybe, just maybe, even laugh about it.

Only through love of God you can understand life.
Reading and thinking and talking can show the direction to God, but only opening your heart in love and surrender can lead to God.
What better way to love God than to love the miracles of God's creations.
Look and you shall see miracles everywhere.

2011.01.12 (三)
God can fix anything.
Have you ever witnessed a skilled craftsman going into an old broken down home and restoring it into something fabulous?
God is the master of restoration, taking the broken and damaged and making them beautiful.
Are there some things in your life that could use a little work?
Allow yourself to be God's next fixer upper project.

2011.01.13 (四)
Transformation is possible at any time.
A person can transform, a situation can transform, even the planet can transform.
Never lose hope.
Under the proper conditions of love, faith, and belief, transformation is quite possible.

2011.01.14 (五)
Good thoughts and actions always produce good results, sometimes in unusual ways.
You just focus on doing what you can, and leave the results up to God.

This week express your devotion for God through dancing.
Many are ways to God.
Let the energy created by your body moving in rhythm become your homage to God.

    創作者 ferlinfie 的頭像


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