原來, 他喜歡獨一無二的商品
物質上的吸引, 希望他能勝過
很奇妙的, 每次我經歷什麼, 他也是
我忽然想啊, 會不會我比他先離開這個地方呢?
今天牧師生氣, 因為我把隨便人放進去
journey began, 爭戰開始轟雜了
when you pursue your dreams, every second is an encounter with God.
Following your dreams opens your heart allowing God to enter and fill you with bliss.
joy will come when you pass on the love you have received.
If you hoard love, it melts away. If you lock love, it breaks free. If you grab on to love, you end up holding an illusion. When you let love flower in its own way, it stays to support you. When you pass on love, it multiplies beyond measure.
It really a happy day when you beside me.
Love when we can talk, eat, staying in a room together.
Today, why, I almost cry when I talk to You about our plan to Taiwan?
Really wanna be his angel, helps him going through this path.
Nothing more, just wanna be at his side
What a fool
Although it’s a bit awkward when we sit together for lunch, while in this dining hall has many students.
I just think that this disease has gone for a long time, and why? As we just close to each other, then feeling coming back again, and more and more.
Just hopelessly wish you will be at my side always and always.
I had dreamed of still build in church, a bit dangerous to see, but really, a beautiful one.
The one, near sea, at top of mountain, a big church which like a palace, has indoor swimming pool, and etc.
The second one, on top also, but, the outer wall hasn’t done yet.
Searching identity
Like a fool lived for day
you are created just right.Each kind of bird has a uniquely-shaped beak, wings, and even feather shape so that everything about it is perfect for the lifestyle it lives. The various wing shapes allow them to dart after a bug, soar miles above a field, or fly for months over the ocean. Just as God cares enough to give each bird exactly what it needs, so you have been given the exact talents and personality to live the life God has given you.
From the dreaming of mind, everything I could imagine, the hurt past that still control most of his heart, and a woman that appears at his bedroom…. Many curious Q that appears when thinking of him.
So, how’s now? After sawing her come back and meet him, still that hurt again.
昨天遇到一位gentleman, trying to speak Mandarin to us. A really kind man.
也是昨天, 又看到他, 怎麼高興起來了呢? 今天, 做了很剛尬的事情, 手太快伸出來了, 害我又收回去….超剛尬的…..
怎麼拉? 心裡的傷痕, 眼中的樑木, 我怎麼都看不清楚呢?
從這一切, 還是一句話最重要的
Ah, I believe that, my future, include “he”, is in God’s hand…15 我終身的事在你手中 (詩31:15) 包含他
我該做的, 必須做的, 只有仰望祂, 先求祂的國
看到這張, 想起了自己想要的婚禮... 還是南神chapel最好
The dream that has been build before… will crush again. Yea, Always a mother always remind me of his gf. Then, how can I forget this feeling?
And, still need I pray to be his angel?