我還想說逃過一節, 結果今天還是逃不掉帶領分享禱告 Hope, peace, joy, and love. Four candles, four
promises continually offered to us by God, and all of them manifest in this one
we light tonight: the Christ candle. In Christ we find the hope of
transformation, the peace that follows justice, the joy of self-fulfillment in
community, and the love that encompasses us in all our diversity, empowering us
to make our own unique contribution to this world. In Christ we find light and
life, and the courage to be like him, answering his call and following in his
footsteps. We rejoice in God’s steadfast presence
in our lives, and in God’s unique presence in the life of Jesus of Nazareth—born of Mary, growing through childhood into an adult ministry, in all his life manifesting the peace, love, and justice of God; his voice undimmed by the centuries his call and his promise as clear to us as it was to his disciples so
long ago. Come to us, Lord Jesus, Be born in us this night, in our hearts, our minds, our lives. May the light of your life be kindled in us,And lead us to the shining truth, of God with us, God for us, God in us. Amen.
雖然, 很自卑, 很想逃, 但還是帶領了 Advent讀經
短短的分享, 但剛剛發現很有趣的事情
對了, 在分發時候, 沒人知道內容是甚麼喔
但, 既然
Advent I 由 Johan + Rev.Budi 來讀, 他們的共同點是甚麼啊?
是要讓他們學習有盼望嗎? hope
Advent II 由 施養道 + 我爸爸, 都不會中文...讀的很辛苦, 其實他們個性有點像喔........
Peace.....很像是和平者嗎?就是讓他們學習在任何情況有平靜的心, 平安的心情作事?別胡思亂想?
Advent III 是粉紅字喔...由 Rev. Cun + Ev. Anthony....都是突破者, 創造者
Advent IV由美麗傳道單獨讀一切..........
Love.....真的, 美麗傳道需要學習的.....愛人如己
而且, 對了, 我一直想, 為甚麼在當中, 我當結論者? 我讀的是聖誕夜, 就是整個重點,整個綜合!!!
Hope, Peace, Joy, Love manifest in Christ.
很妙吧, 超好笑的啦, 而且喔, 上帝的安排真的很好玩喔
我所讀的那段, 就是我心所期待的, 我所想要的聖誕夜
今晚,跟牧師出去, 哇, 雖然不能完全跟牧師聊天, 但牧師人真好, 很會找話題, 很喜歡他這種人阿
對了, 早上又聽有人提賜和絲甚麼事後結婚? 心理痛到現在, 而且, 最近我們超少說話的,
我當然知道, 這不可以, 管他們如何, 但, 我很在意, 怎麼辦?
because it's you.
雖然常常說服自己, 我們不適合, 我們是相反人物
他呢麼高, 思想很棒
在次的告訴自己, 他適合更棒的女孩
而且, 他希望他的另一半高度差不多的
說甚麼晚上見面, 我都看不到你的影子
所以, 我還是需要耶穌, 需要他來就我脫離這個情況
還剩下10天.........我既然越走越挫折, 怎麼辦?
第一次也是這樣, 反而, 過了那段時刻, 沒事了
對了, 今天說到聖樂組的未來.....
有種預感, 我的時間快到了, 該是準備離開了
感覺, 天空展開了....但,我真的不知道下一步是甚麼
是否, 離開.....我無從得知, 是要努力的禱告
謝謝祢, 保佑我的上主
這段經文是用體會的, 不是用理解的
- Dec 21 Fri 2012 23:48