
2012.03.05 Mon
 as you surrender to divine providence in your life, you will feel lifted and carried and held.
All is well, all is well, all is well.

2012.03.14 Wed

sometimes it may feel too hard to do it alone.

Sometimes it may seem like you can't figure it out by yourself. Sometimes will and strength and courage are not enough. Sometimes in your life you will need to call out for help. Call on God. God will be there.

212.03.16 Fri 

joy will come when you pass on the love you have received.If you hoard love, it melts away. If you lock love, it breaks free. If you grab on to love, you end up holding an illusion. When you let love flower in its own way, it stays to support you. When you pass on love, it multiplies beyond measure.


有風度的女人,看走路就知道。有內涵的女人,看談吐就知道。有智慧的女人,看眼神就知道. 和善的女人,看笑容就知道. 高雅的女人,看背影就知道, 奮鬥的女人,聽腳步就知道, 和善的女人,看笑容就知道, 優秀的女人,看你就知道最完美的女人,不用猜就知道那就是您!祝三八婦女節快樂。

2012.03.19 Mon you will get back to solving all the wrongs in a moment, - how about taking a moment to treasure what is right.

All too often we focus so intently on solving the problems, that we forget to zoom out and celebrate what is good in our life already.

2012.03.20 Tue

you are asked for very little, - just the totality of your being.

God demands the totality of your being. That you invest all of yourSelf into celebrating the glory and the preciousness of being alive right now, no holding back and saving for later.

If you can't be a pencil to write anyone's happiness. Then at least try to be a nice rubber to erase everyone's sorrow

2012.03.19 Jaeson MA

Courage, the original definition of courage, when it first came into the English language -- it's from the Latin word cor, meaning heart -- and the original definition was to tell the story of who you are with your whole heart. And so thesefolks had, very simply, the courage to be imperfect. They had the compassion to be kind to themselves first and then to others, because, as it turns out, we can't practice compassion with other people if we can't treat ourselves kindly. And the last was they had connection, and -- this was the hard part -- as a result of authenticity, they were willing to let go of who they thought they should be in order to be who they were, which you have to absolutely do that for connection. - Brene Brown (one of the best Ted Talks I've ever heard) 

2012.03.21 WEd Jaeson Ma
Always trust in God's way, in God's will, in His time. Don't try to fix situations on your own, but trust God to do for you what you can not do for yourself.

Psalm 31:5
5 Into Your hand I commit my spirit;
You have redeemed me, O Lord God of truth. 
 every relationship rests on three legs: accepting, supporting and challenging.That's really it, isn't it? You want your relationships to be grounded on accepting each other as you are. On supporting each other through the inevitable ups and downs. On challenging each other to become more, to grow, to flourish. Which one of these is the more difficult one for you, and how are you going to practice it in the next 24 hours? 
2012.03.23 Fri Dayspring
God is with you, for you, Behind you, and ahead of you. And even if you lose your way for a bit, even if you grow weary, even if you don't know which direction to go at times, His purposes will prevail. 
2012.03.31 Sat
most of your words are unnecessary. All too often you speak simply to fill the space with sound, because you feel too uncomfortable with the silence. But this silence is golden. Only in silence you can hear God speak to you. Only in silence can a real prayer, a heart prayer be born. Next time you start chattering, stop and feel into the silence, feel its shape, its texture, and then slowly and silently say only what really has to be said.
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