It's time to start living in the present.
Letting go of the past is not easy, especially if you have wounds that have never properly healed.
But, the past is past and living there may be preventing you from fully experiencing the present.
Likewise fear of what may be looming around the corner can also prevent you from fully enjoying the present.
Live in the moment and look forward to eternity with God, now that's a great present.

Everything is holy.
For God everything is holy, and that is a good example for you to follow.

2010.12.03 (五)
Dilemmas cannot be solved.
Sometimes you may find yourself in a dilemma where you are ''damned if you do, and damned if you don't.''
You cannot solve such dilemmas by choosing a side because both paths lead to suffering.
The only way out is to transform your perspective to a place where the dilemma no longer exists.
This is possible.

2010.12.04 (六)
if you cannot accept failing, you cannot succeed.
Nothing truly meaningful is achieved on the first attempt, and if that's where you stop, then failure is all you will have.

2010.12.05 (日)
you become what you do.
Life molds itself into the shape of your actions, do something long enough and you become it.
Fighting for peace makes more war.
Loving for peace makes more peace.

12 過了幾天了

忽然, 好捨不得喔

不想要讓 2010 離開, 可是, 該離開的, 還是會離開

明年, 又是新的挑戰


還是, 我該往哪裡去?

好煩喔, 每次都不知道自己該做什麼才好

想要做的, 不見的能做得到

不想做的, 反而一直要去做

到底, 該怎麼辦才好呢?


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