2010.11.12 五
It's important you maintain your natural rhythm of life.

Everyone has their own rhythm of living, for some it's faster, for other it's slower.
每個人都有自己生活的韻律, 有些快, 有些慢.

When you are forced to live outside your own rhythm, it is exhausting.
當你被逼活在你的韻律外, 你會很疲勞

Remember to keep coming back to your own rhythm.

2010.11.13 六
Strength is available.
When you are at your weakest, God is strong.
當你最軟弱, 上帝是剛強的

When you are down, God can lift you up.
當你, 上帝能扶持你

When all seems lost, God will help you win.
當一切似乎失去了, 上帝會幫你贏得

Strength is available when you need it.
力量會提供給你, 當你需要它時

Believe it, embrace it and rely on it.
相信它, 擁抱它, 依靠它.
2010.11.14 日
The truth is, everyone is going to hurt you.
事實, 每個人會傷害你的

You just got to find the ones worth suffering for.

Look around, look closely at the people in your life right now, and ask yourself about each one:
看看周圍, 細看在你現生活中的人, 問問自己:

'Is (s)he worth suffering for?'

2010.11.15 一
There is an ebb and flow to this life.
Trust this peaceful rhythm.
If there were constant flow, we would drown in the intensity.
Ebb is as necessary as flow.

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