
It seem that my real me hide somewhere

These moments, I have lost myself

I don't know how to catch her back

It's hiding back from me

Will she come back?

Today, we went for lunch at a place that i ever came in dream.
How can u say?

I just said, it's usual with me.
I ever come to some place or ever meet some situation far before at my dream
But what's that means?
I still silent

The memory of that incident in New York is still fresh in my mind. It brought tears and exhaustion when I came back
Candy Candy vol8 pg 3

Putting something hard on soft surface, what's that mean?

Puzzled me is living here now

with a broken heart that don't know how to do

many things will get out of my intention

hope i don't hurt it too badly

maybe my brain is dizzling today

    創作者 ferlinfie 的頭像


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