2011.09.01 Thurs Never expect more out of something than you put into it.

it's important not to invalidate your feelings. Your feelings are telling you something important. Do not rush to act on the first whim, take time to hear the full message.

2011.09.02 Fri
A sure way to be disappointed is to be certain of it before it even begins.

this very message is a little thank you. Thank you from everyone you love and care about. Thank you from everyone you ever gifted your smile and your warmth.

2011.09.03 Sat
Trust in the Lord. Give complete control to Him. Surrender everything to Him and He will show you the way....

there are no wrongs that God cannot make right. So you've been hurt or maybe you hurt someone else. God can fix it. God may be nudging you this very moment to ask for forgiveness or be willing to forgive. Trust God, listen and act. There is no wrong that God cannot make right.

2011.09.08 Thurs
even the desert has beauty. Good times and bad times are part of living. It is difficult to fully appreciate joy until you have tasted sadness. Laughter is sweeter if you have experienced tears. There may be times when you feel like you're stuck in a dry and desolate place, but an encouraging call or a hug from a friend can be an oasis; beauty in the desert. Though it may not be easy, try to remember that the trials are going to help you fully experience the joy on the horizon.

A man with God is always in the majority. ~John Knox

2011.09.09 Fri
you can live in assurance and calm. You don't need to look over your shoulder all the time, waiting for the next crisis. You don't have to spend your days hiding from the next ambush. Live in the light, God's got your back.

2011.09.10 Sat
What we are is God's gift to us. What we become is our gift to God. ~Eleanor Powell

you can be an encouragement. Everyone needs encouragement, but it's so easy to forget to take the time to give it. Think of someone in your life whom you appreciate today, or someone who made you smile, - and tell them! Even if it's a stranger, take a moment to let them know you noticed.

2011.09.11 Sun
Let God's promises shine on your problems. ~Corrie Ten Boom

God will get you through the pain. Everyone experiences pain sometimes, emotional and physical. Next time it threatens to overwhelm you, take a deep breath. As you breathe slowly, picture God holding you, crying with you, giving you the strength to get through.

2011.09.15 Thurs
truth has strength and power of its own. In any situation you find yourself in, look for truth, search for it deep in your heart. Let that truth of your heart flow, and you will see obstacles melt like ice.

Life is God's novel. Let him write it.

2011.09.16 Fri
No God, no peace. Know God, know peace.

Darkness cannot put out the Light. It can only make God brighter.

only full acceptance can bring you true peace. Acceptance does not mean resignation. Accept to befriend and transform, instead of trying to fight and destroy.

2011.09.18 Sun
it's time to let people see your inner beauty. It's time to let people know the real you. Be who you are, not who you think people want you to be. You are more beautiful on the inside than you realize, and you need to share that beauty with others. Be transparent, let your guard down, let people know the real you.

Peace on the outside comes from knowing God on the inside.

2011.09.19 Mon

you are what you think of all day long. Day after day your thoughts shape you like dripping water shapes rock. Pay attention to what you are habitually thinking about, - are your thoughts serving you well?

Don't look for God in the sky; look within your own body.

2011.09.20 Tue
it's important you maintain your natural rhythm of life. Everyone has their own rhythm of living, - for some it's faster, for other it's slower. When you are forced to live outside your own rhythm, it is exhausting. Remember to keep coming back to your own rhythm.

2011.09.21 Wed strength is available. When you are at your weakest, God is strong. When you are down, God can lift you up. When all seems lost, God will help you win. Strength is available when you need it. Believe it, embrace it and rely on it. 2011.09.21 跪在上帝面前是人最高的姿勢。 2011.09.22 Thurs 天助自助者。 2011.09.22 if you're feeling in a slump, allow the winds of change to blow through your life. Life is a learning process, and changes can be wonderful opportunities for growth. Don't be afraid of change! Embrace it and grow! 2011.09.23 Fri the truth is, everyone is going to hurt you. You just got to find the ones worth suffering for. Look around, look closely at the people in your life right now, and ask yourself about each one: 'Is (s)he worth suffering for? 2011.09.23 血流成河才能洗掉我們在人類眼裡的過錯,而上帝只要求一滴眼淚。 2011.09.26 造成沙漠和花園不同的並不是水,而是人。 2011.09.27 不要只是坐著思考你的夢想,努力去追求它! 2011.09.28 hope never leaves. Sometimes you can't see it or feel it. Sometimes hope seems far away. Often the difficulties you face make it seem as if hope has abandoned you. But hope never leaves. It is always there, ready for you to embrace. 2011.09.29 神要你走出去在人群中盡情地舞蹈。

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