
I hear the whisper of abundance of rain
           in the restless tree tops
I smell it in the air
       feel it damp against my face
        all earth is hushed
       as the distant rumble of thunder
        heralds the refreshment to come
I stand exposed, vulnerable
    bare skin longing
    dry spirit crying
    empty hands lifted
    soul thirsting.

Rain on me, Lord
   drench me
   soak me
   saturate me
   with the rain of heaven
   not just "mercy drops"
   nor "raindrops fallin' on my head"
   not a drizzle or a sprinkle
   but for the showers I plead !
 Parched ground cracks
  withering foliage crackles
   creatures moan with thirst
   with all creation I cry:

Rain on me !
 Inundate me
   let your clouds burst above
   let the heavens open
   let the lightning crash
         Rain on me !
Let the water rise aroud me
   let me stand in your flooded river
   let swift currents carry my soul
   toward the destiny
   you've ordained for me

Keep raining on me!

    創作者 ferlinfie 的頭像


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