我們覺得婚姻才是正常的生活, 能決絕所有的問題
We think marriage is the only normal lifestyle and that it will solve all our problems.
1. 如果婚姻是呢麼幸福, 為甚麼還是會有離婚呢?
3. 有甚麼事情你會失去的, 當你進入婚姻呢?
1. How many really happy married couples do you know? If marriage is so wonderful and solves all problems, why is our divorce rate so high?
2. What circumstances or situations cause you to feel out of place as a single person in today's world?
作者有提議, 讓我們把權交託給神
We panic over the scarcity of Christian men and we run on our emotions too often.
1. 妳是否有跟你很好的男性朋友, 常常關心他因為他是很好的人, 沒有
2. 你曾經禱告讓神充滿你在其他方面嗎?除了跟男性有關的事?
3. 我們如何跟穩固, 少開朗, 但卻還是誠實?
1. Do you have a Christian male friend that you care about simply because he is a nice person, with no romantic overtones to it?
2. Have you asked God to fulfill you in some other way than with a man? Do you think He could?
3. How can we be more conservativve and less transparent and still be honest?
一些理由就是: 害怕被拒絕, 害怕做錯, 害怕婚姻的責任
作者就建議看提摩太後書 1: 7
有時, 恐懼是一個攔住人去發現神要賜的美好事
1. 在你的夢想女孩, 第一個條件是甚麼?
2. 你能想到一些跟你要好的女孩, 但因為她不符合你的條件, 所以不考慮跟 他有跟親密的感情嗎?
3. 最後一起哭是甚麼時候? 你會覺得尷尬嗎?
4. 那個表情你最容易表現出來的?
5.你曾經有做過長期的承諾嗎?如果沒有, 為甚麼?
6. 何事能幫助你跟開放和表內心的感受?
Men are too visually oriented and don't know a woman who doesn't meet their visua ideal.
Men are frightened of a life-time commitment
1. If you were to candidly list exactly what you are looking for in the "woman of your dreams," what would be at the top of your list?
2. Can you think of a single woman you know right now whom you find fun to be with, interesting, intelligent, and/or admirable, but you have dismissed any possibility of a relationship because she doesn't look the way you like a woman to look?
3. When was the last time you freely cried about something? Were you embarrassed by your tears?
4. What emotion is easiest for you to express?
5. Have you ever made a long-term commitment to a woman or asked a woman to make a commitment to you? If not, why not?
6. What would help you to be more open and more able to talk about your feelings?
Mary S. Whelchel, "Common Mistakes Singles Make", Fleming H.Revell, 1999
- Jan 22 Tue 2008 20:38
書 ~ 一些錯誤的觀念